Rochester Mural Festival.
The 2021 murals
Theme: "It Changed our World"
Kerry Nicholson “Imagination”
We are the clever monkeys who have created our past. Mostly this is because of our imagination.
This will likely continue into the future unless God parks a comet on our door step and, if you believe that, you have a great imagination.

Ellsworth Overton “Wheel - A World Changer”
The wheel has made life easy for people in one’s work and play over many years.

Nathan Sims “Keeping my distance”
This artwork by Mr Dimples reflects on how Corona has “Changed” his world within isolation. Working and living alone, there were many up and down to being restricted to his house, where he felt like living in a fish bowl.

Kerryn Finch. “Practising Gratitude”
The theme for this year’s mural festival ‘It Changed Our World’ got me thinking about what an unusual year it has been. COVID 19, severe bushfires, and political upheaval in parts of the world. These things I couldn’t control or influence, so I took comfort in the little things in my world that bring me much joy. Things like my garden, the flowers and the birds. Due to the heavy COVID restrictions, it was a time for many of us to stop and reflect, to take time out from our busy lives and schedules and just appreciate all that we have.
And so, I painted this piece, as a celebration of some of the things that we love, the time spent in nature and the peace and happiness it can bring when our world seems uncertain.

Tina West “ Universal Geometry”
Geometry changed the history and the face of mathematics, changed the way humans viewed and charted the world. Using this knowledge, explorers and astronomers used the circular path of stars to navigate the earth to discover new lands and the cosmos.

Murray Ross/ Jill Conway “We did it together”
COVID has challenged the World. It has created many heroes. Medical staff, stay at home families and isolated aged folk. Interstate lockdowns and economic problems also caused hardship for many.
We are all in this together,” was the challenge theme. Hopefully 2021 will be much brighter.

Wendy P Scott “ Despite despair, Nature flourished”
Early in 2020 COVID-19 changed the world. Industry was stopped in its tracks. Human endeavours were stopped in their tracks. As the human race isolated at home in fear and despair…
AND the world took a breath…
The natural world began to flourish. In India, the air had cleared for the first time in generations and the Himalayas could be seen in the distance. In Venice, the canals no longer bore the excrement of industrialisation, and fish could be seen swimming in the clear water.

Jared Farrow “MACHINE AGE”
A picturesque flashback into the dawn of an industry that changed our world. Ford's ‘Model T’ provided inexpensive transportation and signified innovation for the rising middle class. The moving assembly line created the mass-production process, which influenced the “Machine Age.”